Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Travel Tips

I have a few travel tips for you if you are looking for ways to save money. 
1. Shop around: Sometimes, if it is too expensive to fly, try taking a different approach.  Check for prices for train, bus, or even driving there in your own car or rental can be a way to save money.
2. Check for Specials: A lot of companies offer specials for you if you travel during a specific time frame or day.
3. Compare Prices: If you think a ticket or reservation is cheap, think again.  Most of the time, there is something out there that is cheaper than what you think.  So always make sure you get what you pay for.
With these helpful tips, you can save money and enjoy your vacation knowing what you saved.

1 comment:

  1. These are great tips! I will try this next time I go on vacation. Thanks!
